Spark Blog Session 2- Week 3- Year 5
Spirit Week
We had a fun eventful spirit week in the Spark Studio! Check out the fun and creativity!
Monday- red or blue
Tuesday- dress up as your favorited book character
Wednesday- pajama day
Thursday- crazy hair day
Friday- decades day
Spark and Discovery all happened to be together on Monday so we were able to see which color truly was the winner! Lets Geaux Team Blue, but lets also shout for Team Red!
Fruit pizza for our afternoon treat on dress up as your favorite book character day (Halloween)!
We really traveled back in time on Friday for our final day of spirit week!
“Rosie Revere Engineer”
"Rosie Revere, Engineer" is a popular children's book written by Andrea Beaty and illustrated by David Roberts. The story follows a young girl named Rosie Revere who aspires to become an engineer. Rosie is a creative and inventive child who loves to build and create things!
This week the heroes broke into their squads and were each given a box of recycled materials and roll of tape. We gave them 30 minutes to create and play with these materials. They created boats, castles, cars, and more! Check out them channeling their inner engineer selves with this creative activity through play.
Hero highlights
Zizi finished all of Waseca and now will be working towards completing levels in Lexia! Way to work hard and stay on task to complete this goal!
Savannah M has completed all of her Cathie Perolman drawers and has mastered all of her initial sounds. She now will be starting Waseca! Way to stay focused and determined!
River has taken on skip counting by 7’s on the long chain from our bead cabinet this week!
Quinn and Evie read to the whole studio on Tuesday. Way to be readers and show courage!
Later post: Last week Calum and River planned a puppet show for their fellow studio mates to enjoy while they were able to practice their writing and collaborating skills in the process!