Spark Blog Session 2- Week 2- Year 5
Leaves & Art Oh My
This week the heroes were asked to bring a leaf from home to the studio! They completed a water color art using the leaves. They first had to put the leaf underneath their paper and then use a white crayon to shade on top of where the leave was. Next they were given water color paint to paint their paper. They learned that crayons and water color paint does not mix!
“No Laughing, No Smiling, No Giggling”
By: James Stevenson
This week the heroes challenge book was “No Laughing, No Smiling, No Giggling.” After we read the story each squad was given a mystery box, inside of each box contained silly dress up clothes and props! They were challenged to make the audience laugh (their studio mates) and the audiences challenge was not to laugh, smile, or giggle. Lets just say that the audience failed on all three of those parts and the squads successfully made their audiences laugh, smile, and giggle!
CVC Words
This week we launched on learning about vowels and consonants. We placed a big card deck of our letters on the carpet and had the heroes take turns building CVC words and reading them aloud. Next week they will get to do this tasks with their squads!
Hero Highlights & More
River has completed a whole all about reader page and is on to the next! Adele, Ameile, and Isaac are on to the next sight word list! Way to work heroes!
There was many moments of hard work in the studio this week, although not all of them were captured!