Session 2- Week 4- Year 5
Fall Art
This week the heroes were presented fall art that was set up to complete during brain aerobics. The materials used were a brown marker, q tips, card stock, and fall colored paint. They were able to create a fall trees painting. Check out their creativity and focus below.
We also had a calming art out in the yard with relaxing music. The heroes had to earn this art, by completing their goals and staying on task during brain aerobics first that morning!
Small groups
We have started in the past few weeks a handwriting bootcamp, to focus on forming the letters properly and to build muscle memory. We do this 2x’s a week with two small groups. One of the groups will be working on forming letters with Mrs. Sarah and the other group will be working on learning time, numbers through play, sensorial works, and more with Mrs. Olivia. These small groups have been very intentional and productive!
Spark Store
The heroes have been working so very hard this session! Each day they have an opportunity to earn pennies for completing their goals. Also have the opportunity to earn passes for making it to the end of their game boards in math, reading, sensorial, practical life. We have expectations set in place for the age groups. 4 year old’s can earn their pennies by completing practical life and sensorial works. The 5 & 6 year old’s have to do one math or reading each day along with another goal to earn their penny. The 7 year old’s must do their math and reading each day for it to count as their goal. On the days we have handwriting boot camp groups they can earn their penny for staying on task during that time! Today was our very first day to open up the spark shop this session, thank you to all parents who have donated to the store. Check out some of the purchased items!
Hero Highlights & More
Adele, Ameile, Calum, & Sadie have mastered another sight word list and have received the next one! Way to work hard to memorize these heroes!