Spark Blog Session 1- Week 4- Year 5

What are Responsibilities?

This week we have focused on responsibilities in the studio. We discussed what responsibilities are and who is responsible for what in the studio. We watched a short video that explained a consequence in a way that they can understand: The boy asked his mom to go sleep at a friends house, mom said yes! Then the boy comes down stairs with his bag packed, mom asked if he cleaned his room. Well the boy had not so he was not able to go to his friends house any more because part of responsibilities that day were to clean his room. We used a Ven diagram chart to visually show your learners who’s responsible for what, and they were able to go put them in the spots as we discussed. Ask your hero(es) what they are responsible for in the studio? What are they responsible for at home? Do they clearly know what they are responsible for?

Acton Style Taboo

The heroes buzzed in to see who could figure out what we were describing that was related to the studio! It was a fierce competition where they had to practice not shouting out if it was not their turn. Check out their focus and determination! Some of the items we described were:

  • Tracker folder

  • trash can

  • Zen bell

  • rain stick

  • launch

  • athletics

  • practical life

  • sensorial

It was a Popping Time!

We celebrated Isaac turning 6 years old! The heroes then were able to go outside to do a fun popper activity that his family provided for the heroes to celebrate Isaac, oh what fun we had!

Way to work heroes!

Erin-Beth Carter