Spark Blog Session 7- Week 3 Year 4

Three weeks down one to go!

The past two weeks were spent creating and preparing for the art show! This week we shifted our focus onto a few things that the heroes expressed they would like to explore. We started off on Monday by launching on volcanoes! After we learned about them and discussed they were able to make their very own volcano experiments. Check out the excitement! Also head over to our Acton Lake Charles Instagram to check out the reel that was made with live footage of the volcanoes erupting!

Oh Wacky Day

Oh what a wacky day it was on Wednesday! The heroes were encouraged to come to the studio in their wackiest dress and prepared to tell their best jokes for their first Spark Stand Up Comedy Show! They also ventured through the laser maze hallway and participated in other fun activities inside the studio.

Character Trait Nominations & Voting

The heroes spent time at the carpet together reflecting and recognizing what character traits they recognize in their studio mates. After they came up with four different traits for each hero, they took a vote to see what character trait the heroes thought was best suited to their studio mate!

Flying Airplanes

Many of the heroes have been so into making paper airplanes! To honor their wishes, we launched on different types of air crafts on Friday! We then had them create their own paper airplanes. After they created the airplanes we had a pilot contest where they were able to match up against each other to see whose plane would fly the furthest!

We Celebrate You

During the last session of the academic year we always make sure to celebrate our summer birthday heroes! This week we celebrated Beau!

Winding Down

This week the heroes wrapped up some of their works that they had been working on to come to a stopping point for summer.

  • Calum mastered skip counting by 6’s work! Way to focus!

  • Isaac pushed through and mastered all of his #’s-100 tracker this week as well! He chose to stay inside for play time to finish the 100 board. We would call that determination!

  • Marina has been working so hard this past month to learn her teen numbers and she was able to master them out this week as well! We would call that perseverance!

  • Quinn and Zizi mastered the decimal system where they learned place value and can read numbers in the thousands! Way to work hard!

  • Amelie has mastered all of her apple works #’s 1-10! Way to stay focused!

  • Grayson & Pierce have mastered all of their flower works; memorization of addition and subtraction!

Erin-Beth Carter